Solar Still
Collect water by building a Solar Still.

* To do this, you'll need some plastic sheeting, a digging tool, a container, a drinking tube and a rock.
* Choose a moist area that gets sunlight for most of the day.
* Dig a bowl-shaped hole about three feet across and two feet deep, with an additional sump dug in the center.
* The sump should be flat and big enough to hold your container.
* Place the container into the sump.
Put the drinking tube in the container and run it up and out of the main hole.
* Place the plastic over the hole and cover the sides with rock and soil to keep it there.
* Put your rock in the center of the sheet and let it hang down about 18 inches, directly over the container to form an inverted cone.
* Add more soil on the edges for stability.
* The moisture from the ground reacts with the heat from the sun to produce condensation on the plastic.
* The still forces the condensation to run down the plastic and into your container.
* You can also add vegetation inside the hole to increase the amount of moisture but make sure the plants are not poisonous.
* Use the tube to drink directly from the container. If you don't have one, you can remove the container and reassemble it after.
* A good still can produce up to one quart of drinking water per day.