
Communications team: The MOST important aspect of working together is being able to communicate. Ask for help, offer help, exchange goods, identify dangers and warn of areas to avoid. HAM radio has historically been reliable in almost every circumstance. Everyone should have the capability. Our radio of choice is the Baofeng UV-5R due to its sturdiness, reliability, power, many channels, and a cost that is affordable by many people.


Intelligence team: The ability to acquire information, locally and even far from our location, and be able to confirm it’s credibility and accuracy, so that proper actions can be planned, when necessary. Try to prevent having to cope with surprises, if we don’t have to! And keep rumors under control.


Medical Team: Injuries in a disaster can easily become infected and have very serious consequences. If we train in some basic first aid, and some advanced topics, we may be able to care for our neighbor (or they care for you) and stabilize their condition until a qualified medical professional is available. In a long term situation, we may have to able to protect and monitor that injury so we can continue to manage tasks, like keeping a garden for food. Every American should be trained to at least Combat Lifesaver level to provide immediate care for victims of severe trauma, whether it be a car accident, a gunshot wound, a chainsaw accident, etc. to save lives.


Preparedness teams: Grow lots of tomatoes? How can you store them? Canning? Sauce, ketchup even casseroles can all be prepared and stored for long term. Gardening tips, jams, meals in a jar. What items to always have with you (every day carry – EDC) Items to have in your car if you are stuck away from home. If you need to leave your home for an extended amount of time, remember to take your Bug Out Bag with you. Have you thought of everything? These team people have, and they can help you be ready before you get into that tough spot. Americans are told by FEMA to be able to self-rescue and self-supply for at least 72 hours, but clearly emergencies can last much longer. You need to be able to take care of yourselves and each other for extended periods, including effective food storage. We will show you how. Even if you are not a veteran, you are welcome to join us and get trained, and then help train others. We find that nearly everyone has some skill or life experience that is useful to the community, and we will help you pick a training track to focus on, and get trained up by more experienced team member mentors. And even if you have physical limitations that would prevent you from being on a field team, you can still help with support, security as a “home guard,” and logistics. And if you already have an existing group, such as a neighborhood watch, church group, veterans group, political or social group, we would be happy to train your group in all of the above skills. We believe that strong neighborhood watches are the most critical first steps toward a strong America, working from the bottom up to provide local security while we also strengthen what is already there (search and rescue, volunteer fire, volunteer emergency medical, CERT teams, reserve deputy and police auxiliary, etc.).


Security team: How to keep a location safe from any one who sees it as a target. Being able to summon a good sized group for a show of force. Most American gun owners have little or no training in how to fight together, as a team. Whether it is a husband and wife, father and son, or neighbors, you need to know how to move, shoot, and communicate as a team. Bad guys, like MS-13 or ISIS, attack in teams. You need to know how to fight back as a team and how to form up a neighborhood watch to protect yourselves and each other. Security is everyone’s responsibility, and our infantry and police veterans will teach you how.